Dawn, David, Frank, and Chuck appeared at the Lucy Robbins Welles Library in Newington, Connecticut, on February 25, 2015. We were met by an enthusiastic and highly interested group of readers (and friends and relatives). Below the promotional poster are some photos from the event. (Thanks to Deanie Radda for the photography.)

Dawn sets up before the event begins. Dawn sold copies of Eagle Scouting as well as In Flight, her previous novel.
Dave starts the evening off by reading some of the selections from Paradise, his recently published book of poems.
Frank reads an excerpt from Did You Ever See a Horse Go By. He joked with the audience that, if they wanted to know what the title meant, they’d have to buy the book.
After the reading a number of audience members purchased books and discussed them with the authors, in this case, Chuck and Dark Time.
Dawn answers some questions about Eagle Scouting. The audience was enthusiastic and knowledgable: many of them left with signed copies of the books.
Chuck reminisces with two of his former English students from Plainville High School.
Toward the end of the evening, some of the audience remained. It was warmer inside than out, and the refreshments (not pictured but consumed) were good too.
Thanks too Jeanette Francini from the Lucy Robbins Welles Library in Newington for setting this up and making sure it ran smoothly. And to all those who attended, our sincere appreciation.